Gurbani Live

by Gurjant Bhullar

Video Players & Editors


Listen Live Kirtan from Gurudwara- Dukh Nivaran Sahib - LudhianaLoading time is less than 3 seconds on any network.Automatic reconnect after internet problem - Player automatically resumes immediately after reconnecting to internetYou can listen Gurbani while your app is in background or in locked mode.Please Rate the Application, so that it will be helpful for other users too.For Suggestions and queries email us at [email protected]:The contents(audio,images,text) included in "Live Kirtan" are freely available on the Internet.If you own any of the content and do not want "Live Kirtan" to use send us an email [email protected] and we will try to remove the same in the next release of "Gurbani Live".Gurbani Live App does not stream any of the channels , all the streaming links are from third parties available free on the internet. If any one founds that we are violating by broadcasting any copyright protected channel email us the channel name, we will remove the channel from our apps based on your email request. Email at [email protected]